Bohemia Gathering II: Valencia

Today we’re thrilled to feature an amazing project that we feel honored to be a part of.

Isabelle Hesselberg and Siegrid Cain are two of Europe’s leading wedding photographers. They both shoot film and each have very defined photographic styles in their own ways. They’ve been our clients for a while, we’ve met them a number of times in different photographic events (Norway, Madrid and Valencia) and we love them both to pieces.




Last year they came up with a wonderful idea to put together a bunch of women photographers in a beautiful house, learning from each other and sharing their experiences in which proved to be way more than just your usual film photography workshop.

So they did it, and Bohemia Gathering Vol I in Vichy (France) last April was a huge success.




Fast forward 8 months (and tons of emails) and BOOM!: Bohemia Gathering Vol II will be happening in November in OUR OWN CITY, Valencia! Yeah, this is really happening. Isabelle and Siegrid suggested the idea since Valencia is beautiful, its climate is amazing, it’s right next to the sea and of course it’s where we’re located, so we thought for most attendees it would be amazing to have guided tour of our lab and show them what happens to their film here.

For this Bohemia the house they chose is literally next to our city but in the middle of the “chufa fields” AND walking distance from the Patacona beach.




So ladies, there’s still a couple spots left, so if you’re free November 4th-8th :

Book your seat NOW at

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If you need more info to make up your mind go check out their website , in the mean time enjoy the beautiful images Isabelle and Siegrid created during Bohemia Gathering Vol I

Bohemia1Bohemia-2Bohemia-3Bohemia-6Bohemia-8Bohemia-4Bohemia-5Bohemia Collective Gathering Vol 1. Vichy, France April 9-12th 2015. Isabelle Hesselberg / 2 Brides PhotographyBohemia9Bohemia10Bohemia Collective Gathering Vol 1. Vichy, France April 9-12th 2015. Isabelle Hesselberg / 2 Brides Photography

Carmencita Tote Bag Promo

Hi there everyone!
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It’s a “funny” Friday for us at the lab since yesterday it was a National Holiday here and specifically in Valencia we pretty much burned down the whole city ( like literally … watch this or google “fallas” and you’ll freak out).
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Today we’re launching a promo that we hope you love:
We’re giving away amazing Carmencita tote bags to any shop orders of 10 or more rolls of film.
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This is a beautiful 41cm long x 38cm wide cotton tote bag that is basically the coolest thing around town and of course it’s way more eco-friendly than using a thousand plastic bags every time you need to grab something at the grocery store.
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The promo starts today and is good until we run out of them so go for it!
Besides, who doesn’t need 10 more rolls of film at reduced costs?
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Go ahead an grab some Portra, Fuji 400H, Acros or even FP4 at
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PS: mad props to client/friend Marcos Pérez for being our model for a while!
For the geeks out there the shots are taken on Fuji 400H overexposed 2 stops using a Contax 645 by our very own Buenaventura Marco
PS2: no, we don’t sell the tote bags, you GOTTA BUY SOME FREAKIN’ FILM in order to apply 😛

Jonathan Canlas BodaF15 Madrid



¿Cómo disparar película puede cambiar tu vida y tu forma de afrontar la fotografía? Jonathan lo va  a contar en su workshop en BodaF15 y sin rodeos.

La próxima edición de BodaF va a ser un pelotazo analógico. Junto a ponentes de la talla del gran Jan Scholz “Micmojo” y nuestro miembro fundador Miguel Varona estamos orgullosos de traer por primera vez a España a Jonathan Canlas, referente mundial en fotografía de boda y gurú del film.

Más de 15 años disparando bodas por medio mundo y el reconocimiento de toda la industria le avalan. El énfasis en el retrato y una composición técnicamente perfecta hacen su estilo instantáneamente reconocible. Lo que muchos de sus clientes no saben es que detrás de esos tonos vibrantes y realistas está el hecho de que son disparadas en película

Jonathan dispara exclusivamente en película desde sus inicios en la universidad y decidió no pasarse al digital después de probarlo todo y seguir prefiriendo tanto el producto final en analógico como el proceso que ello conlleva.

¿Por qué disparar película en el siglo XXI? Jonathan lo va a explicar todo, y creednos, el tipo es un libro abierto. “Film is awesome and I’m gonna show you why” nos dijo cuando le pedimos que nos resumiera lo que quería transmitir a los asistentes de Madrid.

Aparte de su innegable talento fotográfico el fuerte de Jonathan es su carácter extrovertido y su don para la educación. De hecho su hiperactividad y pasión por lo que hace le han llevado a crear workshops itinerantes sobre cómo disparar en película ( FilmIsNotDead ) y ha escrito un exitoso libro al respecto.

En BodaF 2015 su ponencia tratará sobre su flujo de trabajo y porqué considera clave para su estilo el uso de película.También cómo disparar y trabajar junto a un buen laboratorio te puede liberar de incontables horas detrás del ordenador y disfrutar más disparando.

En su workshop le asistirá asistido uno de nuestros fundadores, Albert Roig. Se cubrirán tanto los conceptos fundamentales de exposición, tipo de película, diferencias entre medio formato y 35mm, así cómo diferentes situaciones de luz y sacar el máximo partido de la increíble latitud de la película. Sí estas acostumbrado a disparar en digital, prepara tu bloc de notas 🙂

Aprovechad la ocasión ya que sus talleres FIND ya sólo se ofrecen en Hawaii y es una oportunidad única para aprender de primera mano de uno de los mejores.

Reservad mientras queden plazas aquí!

Nos vemos en Madrid.

Un abrazo

Equipo Carmencita

2 3 4 61 20 25

Online Film Shop UPDATE

Hey guys and gals!

We thought of doing a little update to our newest addition, the online film shop.

As you probably already know we’re all about listening to what customers have to say so we got a couple of client suggestions and here’s how we’re gonna roll from now on:

So you’re a professional photographer working in the European Union and have a VAT number?
Cool, so no need to pay Spanish taxes on any of your film orders!
Of course if you live/work outside the EU tax exclusion also applies to you.

Shipping-wise we offer two options:

– Weight-based ordinary shipping. Which has no tracking number but can save you a little money if you can wait for the film to arrive.
– Express Shipping. A little more costly but will get you fresh film in your hands in 2-5 days (depending on the country).
– Free shipping for any orders 225€ or above!

Of course one of the main advantages of our service is that if you marked the “Send My Negatives Back” box on the OrderForm you pay can save the shipping for either the negatives or the film you bought, ’cause we’ll send them together!

Also, to make things easier we offer PayPal/Credit Card payment as always and also bank transfer in case you prefer it.

So yeah, no excuse to not shoot fresh film or that favorite film stock of yours that your local shop just doesn’t carry!

As we’ve said before we tried to make the prices as cheap as humanly possible. We’re definitely not in it for the profit, we just really want everyone who wants to shot film to have the easiest access possible to it.

Hope this clarifies things for all of you and if you still have any doubts don’t hesitate to drop us a line at


Captura de pantalla 2014-09-25 a la(s) 10.29.01

¡Hola gente!

Hemos pensado en hacerle una pequeña actualización a nuestra última creación, la tienda online de película.

Como posiblemente ya sepáis lo damos todo por los clientes y en el caso de la tienda recién lanzada recibimos algunas sugerencias vuestras y este es el resultado:

Con respecto a los envíos ahora ofrecemos dos opciones:

– Correo ordinario basado en el peso. No tendrás número de seguimiento pero puedes ahorrar un poco de dinero si no te importa esperar un poco más.
– Envío Express. Un poco más caro pero lo recibirás en máximo 48h y con número de seguimiento.
– Envío gratis para pedidos de 225€ o más.

Por supuesto una de las ventajas añadidas de nuestro servicio de tienda es que si marcaste la casilla “Mandadme Mis Negativos de Vuelta” en el OrdenDePedido sólo pagaras un envío y recibirás tanto tus negativos como tu película fresca.

Para poneos las cosas más fáciles aparte de con le habitual PayPal/Tarjeta de Crédito ahora también podéis pagar vuestras compras en la tienda por transferencia bancaria.

Así ya no hay excusas para no disparar película fresca o “esa película que nunca trae la tienda de mi barrio”!

Como ya hemos dicho en otras ocasiones hemos ajustado los precios todo lo humanamente posible. Definitivamente no hemos puesto la tienda en marcha para sacar un beneficio, sino para que todo aquel que quiera disparar con película de calidad lo pueda hacer.

Esperamos que haya quedado todo lo más claro posible, pero si tenéis alguna duda estaremos encantados de contestarla si nos escribís a


New Order Form With Scanning Preferences

Alright, you asked for it, we listened carefully and here you’ve got it!

For all those customers who have a specific look in mind for their scans we created a new Order Form where you can select color, brightness and contrast preferences.


Photography (and particularly color) can be really subjective. We always scan neutral unless you guys give us other specific indications on the COMMENTS area on the Order Form.


This has worked totally fine to this day and we’ve always been super open about you asking for “customized” scans and never charging extra for them. But still, we wanted to take an extra step by making the process as easy as possible. That way even if you don’t have enough time to write a full comment on how you want your scans or you get wrapped up in the inevitable difficulty of verbalizing visual stuff you can still take 10 seconds to tick boxes for COLOR , BRIGHTNESS and CONTRAST.


Needless to say these are your preferences, but the film stock used, the way it was been exposed and the quality of the light will condition immensely how closely we can match your expectations. E.g. Let’s just say we won’t be able to turn a Fuji Superia 200 shot on a cloudy day with evaluative metering (and thus underexposed 1-2 stops) into a grainless, airy, pastel, low contrasty warm-toned piece of photographic candy.


SO, that being said. From now on you’ll be able to choose your preferences for:


COLOR We all have different color tastes; help us understand yours in order to get you your dream tones!

CONTRAST Contrast is key to the final look of your images. Ask for as much (or as few) as you want!

BRIGHTNESS Do you like dark moody stuff or super airy pastel work? Let us know!

THAT’S IT! AS EASY AS THAT! We’ll take it from there and follow your guidelines as closely as humanly possible throughout the scanning and editing process.

Next thing you know: BAAAM! Scans in your inbox just the way you wanted them.


Hope you enjoy the new Order Form and now get out there and shoot some film!



Carmencita Crew Member Feature: Laura Leal

So again it’s time for us to show you guys one of our crew members’ work.
As you may know at the lab we’re all photographers. We’re all obsessed with perfect film tones and are big camera nerds. So we knbow where you’re coming from!

Laura Leal has been one of the latest additions to the lab’s crew. She started her “relationship” with Carmencita as a customer. She, like so many of us, had spent years scanning her own stuff on flatbed home scanners and felt really relieved to finally get great looking scans straight into her inbox. Of course as the lab grew bigger and bigger (and she being friends with a few of us for a while) we felt hiring her was the perfect choice!

Her work is primarily shot on Contax 645 and she switches from Portra to Fuji 400H whenever she feels tone-wise she needs one or the other.
Today we show you the stuff she’s better known for, that is great fashion editorials, soulfull female portraits and model test shots.

So yeah, next time you receive your scans and a loving feedback text you can be like “oh my f*cking God, this Laura is that 24 year-old girl they featured a while ago who shot those amazing photos of girls!” 😛

Hope you love them as much as we do!

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NEW: Slide Film (E6) Processing and Scanning Services

So we gave a few hints on Twitter and privately to some customers by email, but we’re happy to announce that we finally offer SLIDE FILM ( E6 ) processing and scanning. You guys can finally shoot your Velvia 50, Provia 400X and Astia or even that Agfa CT Precisa you were saving ‘cause you didn’t feel like cross-processing it. We’re charging the same as we do for Black & White processing and as with BW you just need to add 2 business days to the regular C41 delivery time. We had the privilege of having client/friend Jan Scholz “micmojo” beta-test this process for us. He was super excited to finally be able to shoot those wonderful slide stocks and took some Fuji Velvia 50 with him in his recent vacations in Florida.

We loved the results and felt like it could be a great way to introduce this new “product” to Carmencita customers. Being so used to C41 film it’s refreshing to see a positive, with it’s “correct” white balance and contrast/saturation rendition depending on the film stock. Guys, be prepared to spot meter like freaking masters! As you probably already know slide film is NOT as forgiving as color (C41 ) film (hello Portra 400 5 overexposure – 2 underexposure? ). It’s latitude is quite reduced, like 1 over – 1 under, almost remix¡nascent of some digital cameras. Be prepared to use the “Sunny-16 Rule”, spot meter and having to choose between blown skies or correctly lit subjects. But hey, they don’t call it hard work for nothin’! 😛 WELCOME OUR SLIDE FILM PROCESSING AND SCANNING SERVICES! janScholzE6-2 janScholzE6-3 janScholzE6-4 janScholzE6-5 janScholzE6-6 janScholzE6-7

Revela-T 2014 Festival

Captura de pantalla 2014-04-16 a la(s) 22.27.09

We’re super excited to announce that Carmencita Film Lab will be participating in this year’s Revela-T Festival! We’re sending two of our crew members to Vilassar de Dalt (a little village next to Barcelona) for 3 days to set up a booth along with all the other participants and spread the love for film in this ALL ANALOG FESTIVAL.

So what is Revela-T Festival all about?
Basically it’s a celebration of each and every analog technique ever used in photography! Literally everything from our Wet and Dry Plate Collodion, Large Format photography, Pinhole stuff, you name it! During the last week of May Vilassar de Dalt will be invaded by tons of workshops, photography exhibitions, speeches and much more stuff. Carmencita will be there May 30th ’till June 1st and we have some pretty awesome stuff to show you guys. The BIG day is on the 31st but the official opening will be the afternoon of the 30th.

Last year was the festival’s first edition and the response was pretty wild. An estimate of 4000 visitors shattered all expectations and this year looks like things are gonna get even wilder. This guys know what they’re doing. Their website ( ) is full of details about the program, the village itself, where to stay during that week, etc. Go check it out!

And needless to say if you’re interested in analog photography which you can touch and feel first hand AND wanna meet two of our crew members go ahead and sign up for a couple of workshop and book a flight to come over. It’s gonna be fun!!! See you there!!!

PS: how could you not wanna meet these guys? 😉

The Analog Docs WORKSHOP

You know we can’t stand still at Carmencita… We’re constantly coming up with new ideas, new projects … it’s a freaking whirlpool of ideas in here! As some of you might know this time we’ve been wanting to take part in more and more educational stuff ( Corera was fun btw!). SO… We’re really happy to announce that our Lab Manager Albert will be traveling to Vienna for The Analog Docs’ workshop. He’ll be offering the lab’s view of the whole process of shooting film. What it is we actually do with your film and how to get the best out of your film AND out of your lab (i.e: us!).

AnalogDOcs1 AnalogDocs4

The workshop will take place in the beautiful city of Vienna on May 1st and 2nd and there’s very limited space. The workshop will be taught in German and will cover anything yoou might think of. This guys have thought it out really well, and the go from “Why shoot film in the digital era” to “choosing film stocks”… “35mm VS medium format”…”your buddy the light meter”… “posing tips and tricks” and even a look at their actual cheap cialis online workflow, “from shooting to print”. There’s a 20% discount for people that register for the workshop before March 24th so if you speak German, love shooting film and wanna learn from the best go sign up! You can read all about the workshop and sign up for it here: See you in Vienna!


Albert and The Analog Docs. Photo by Jonathan Canlas

Carmencita Crew Member Feature : Buenaventura Marco

SO, we haven’t featured our own personnel’s work in quite some time, and we thought you guys might be curious about what kind of photographers are behind your scans 😉

We felt like killing two birds with one stone with this blog post, since besides the obvious interest in having a worker’s photography featured this particular set of photographs involved two not-so-common treats in the work we scan; artificial lighting and the fact of a high-end fashion production being shot on film.

The following photographs were shot by team member Buenaventura Marco for Spanish designer Juan Vidal‘s Spring/Summer 2014 Campaign. The whole set was custom made by the sponsor in a warehouse and the lighting was set up to fit the 3 different “environments” within the set. The artistic references for the shoot went somewhere along the lines of “a David Hamilton’s vibe but with a contemporary fashion look”. The lighting used had to be continuous because there was video being shot and flash wasn´t an option because it wasn’t the desired look. Also the HMI lighting equipment was daylight balanced (instead of the usual tungsten balance) for ease of scanning/ mental health of the guy scanning (i.e. Buenaventura himself!).

For all you camera geeks out there the whole session was shot on a Contax 645 with the 80mm lens using Kodak Portra 400. We thought it looked great when Buenaventura showed us the first scans and we’re happy to finally be able to show you guys! So yeah, now you know what this guy is doing whenever he isn’t working on YOUR scans or petting one of his three cats. ^_^


BuenaventuraMarcoMarguerite-7 BuenaventuraMarcoMarguerite-8 BuenaventuraMarcoMarguerite-3 BuenaventuraMarcoMarguerite-4 BuenaventuraMarcoMarguerite-1 BuenaventuraMarcoMarguerite-2 BuenaventuraMarcoMarguerite-24 BuenaventuraMarcoMarguerite-5 BuenaventuraMarcoMarguerite-12 BuenaventuraMarcoMarguerite-18 BuenaventuraMarcoMarguerite-20 BuenaventuraMarcoMarguerite-16 BuenaventuraMarcoMarguerite-9 BuenaventuraMarcoMarguerite-15



photography: Buenaventura Marco

fashion : Juan Vidal

model: Ekaterina Kutsareva @ Elite

hair and make up: Javier Cererino

videographer: Gema González

lighting: Mira En la Nevera

sponsor: Peronda Group for Peronda Fashion Lab

interior/set design: Francisco Segarra


Corera 2014


Hi everyone! Hope you guys are having a great holiday. Here at the lab we’re super busy and didn’t really take a break, but we’re happy to be this busy ^_^. This time around we wanted to share with you guys a great photographer gathering we’ll be a part of in February 2014. “Corera” is actually the name of a really small village in La Rioja (Spain) where for the last couple of years photographer Roberto Ramos has been organizing awesome 3-day photographer meet-ups.

The mood there is pretty laid back and actually it’s pretty hard to define what exactly goes on in Corera since there’s so much to do when a whole village is invaded by photographers of all styles. Corera is not entirely a workshop nor just a friendly photographer meet-up. Anything can happen when you can cook dinner with the same guy who has taught you a certain photographic technique earlier that same morning!

¡Hola a todos! Esperamos que las fiestas estén yendo genial. Aquí en el lab estamos súper ocupados así que no hemos cogido vacaciones, pero estamos encantados de que así sea ^_^ . Hoy queríamos compartir con vosotros una gran “quedada” de fotógrafos de la que formaremos parte el próximo febrero. Corera es el nombre del pequeño pueblo de la Rioja en el que desde hace unos años Roberto Ramos a estado organizando intensas jornadas fotográficas. El ambiente allí es muy relajado y realmente es bastante difícil definir exactamente lo que ocurre en Corera, ya que pueden pasar tantas cosas cuando un pueblo es invadido por fotógrafos de todos los estilos. Corera no es del todo un workshop ni una quedada informal de amigos fotógrafos. Todo es posible cuando estás haciendo la cena son quien horas antes te ha enseñado una determinada técnica fotográfica.


So this year’s edition is really exciting for Carmencita since we are actually endorsers for the event and two of our employees ( Miguel Varona and Albert Roig) will be there. Miguel will be teaching a masterclass on “editorial shooting” and both Miguel and Albert will be answering each and every question participants have a about film, how to shoot it and what we do with it at the lab.
Besides this (awesome) fact there’s more excitement to be added, since this year a couple of our favorite clients will also be there!
Wesley Nulens, Carles Figuerola and Monika Manowska will also teach masterclasses, and that makes us extra proud and really really happy about the future of FILM.
It’s pretty exciting for us that this year’s Corera is endorsed by a film lab, has two of their employees attending/teaching and three film-shooting clients also participating.
Film is definitely more alive than ever, and certainly we will try our best to spread it’s awesomeness amongst everyone we meet during February 24, 25 and 26th at Corera.

Check out their web for more details 😉

PS: Happy new year!

crew photos by Buenaventura Marco

Pues bien, la edición de este año nos ilusiona mucho ya que Carmencita es patrocinadora del evento y dos de nuestros empleados (Miguel Varona y Albert Roig) estarán allí. Miguel impartirá una masterclass de “Fotografía Editorial” y tanto Miguel como Albert estarán allí para responder todas las preguntas que los participantes puedan tener acerca de la película, cómo se dispara y qué hacemos con ella en el laboratorio.
¡Por si esto no fuera lo suficientemente guay, algunos de nuestros clientes favoritos también van a estar allí!
Wesley Nulens, Carles Figuerola y Monika Manowska también impartirán masterclasses, lo cual nos hace sentir súper orgullosos y muy esperanzados respecto del futuro de la película. Es muy motivador ver que la edición de este año está patrocinada por un laboratorio de película, que va a tener a dos de sus trabajadores allí y a tres clientes nuestros como participantes.
La película sin duda está vivita y coleando, y nosotros haremos nuestra parte para ensalzar sus virtudes a todo aquel que nos encontremos los días 24, 25 y 26 de febrero en Corera.

Para más información echad un vistazo a la web 🙂

PD: ¡Feliz año!

"Carmencita & We Love Film" brings you 20 days of 20% discount!

We love the work that the guys from We Love Film are doing, that’s why we want to celebrate with them their 3rd anniversary!

Because of that we are gonna be offering 20 days of 20% Discount on our orders starting from 29th June!! How cool is that?

What do you need to do? Such an easy thing, just make sure you follow Carmencita and We love film in fb and write it down in the order form “Happy Birthday We Love Film!” when you send your next order to us, that’s it, as simple as that. (Remeber the promotion is till 20th of July)

Make sure to spread the word to all the film shooters out there and start packing your rolls! 🙂


Summer Is Coming!

After a long winter we are starting to feel the firsts sights of summer, and we love the

light brings with it.

We are getting ready to start sharing some of our clients wonderful images, stay tunned!

Photo by Miguel Varona

Here we go!

It’s not a bird, It’s not a plane… It’s Carmencita Film Lab!

You may have heard about us, and probably more than the 90% you’ve heard is true. We have our heart in Spain and our arms open to every corner of the world.

Surrounded by orange trees, orxata bars, a lovely sun and plenty of neightbors cooking paella every sunday. In between all this our love for film was born.

Our team is formed by a small group of professionals, in love with photography, and with photographic film in particular.

We know there are more people like us, who know how hard it is to find a lab where negatives are treated with the right accuracy, care and dedication.

Because nobody said it was impossible, we decided to turn our

passion into our job, and open our doors to the professionals out there looking for the right place to develop and scan their film negatives. Each piece of work, and each client, is unique for us. That’s why we dedicate ourselves completely to each job, ensuring that our service is personalized and our product is perfect.

Our little treasure is called the SP3000 Fuji Frontier, known among professionals as the best scanner for film negatives. That’s how we work in our lab; the machine delivers technical perfection and we put the human knowledge and passion. We would be delighted to receive your film and to start working on getting those tones and touch that you are seeking.

We hope to hear about you soon!