Héctor Pozuelo has been a client of ours almost from the start.
He is a personal friend of some of the guys at the lab, and we couldn’t be happier at how much recognition he’s finally getting for his fashion work.
It’s interesting how Héctor had pretty much reached a “photographic plateau” scanning his own negatives on home flatbed scanners and suddenly felt like he could finally get the results he KNEW were possible by sending his film to us.
Not sayin’ “we’ll take your photography to the next level”, but we thought it’s interesting that many customers do their own scanning on Canon 9000F or Epson V700 and end up giving us a try and most of the time freak out at how RIGHT the stuff they were doing was. There was nothing wrong with their film or camera choices, it’s just shitty scanning! Needless to say we’ve also seen great results from guys scanning on V700’s so if you’re one of them please don’t feel offended 😉
So how cool is it to scan a happy client/friend’s negatives that you know are for an important fashion label?
This is exactly what these photos are. An editorial by Héctor Pozuelo for London-based fashion label Lazy Oaf shot primarily on Contax G2 / Kodak Portra 800 and Pentax 67 / Fuji NPH400.
PS: yeah, the light leaks are intentional, and we love ’em! 😛