SO, we haven’t featured our own personnel’s work in quite some time, and we thought you guys might be curious about what kind of photographers are behind your scans 😉
We felt like killing two birds with one stone with this blog post, since besides the obvious interest in having a worker’s photography featured this particular set of photographs involved two not-so-common treats in the work we scan; artificial lighting and the fact of a high-end fashion production being shot on film.
The following photographs were shot by team member Buenaventura Marco for Spanish designer Juan Vidal‘s Spring/Summer 2014 Campaign. The whole set was custom made by the sponsor in a warehouse and the lighting was set up to fit the 3 different “environments” within the set. The artistic references for the shoot went somewhere along the lines of “a David Hamilton’s vibe but with a contemporary fashion look”. The lighting used had to be continuous because there was video being shot and flash wasn´t an option because it wasn’t the desired look. Also the HMI lighting equipment was daylight balanced (instead of the usual tungsten balance) for ease of scanning/ mental health of the guy scanning (i.e. Buenaventura himself!).
For all you camera geeks out there the whole session was shot on a Contax 645 with the 80mm lens using Kodak Portra 400. We thought it looked great when Buenaventura showed us the first scans and we’re happy to finally be able to show you guys! So yeah, now you know what this guy is doing whenever he isn’t working on YOUR scans or petting one of his three cats. ^_^

photography: Buenaventura Marco
fashion : Juan Vidal
model: Ekaterina Kutsareva @ Elite
hair and make up: Javier Cererino
videographer: Gema González
lighting: Mira En la Nevera
sponsor: Peronda Group for Peronda Fashion Lab
interior/set design: Francisco Segarra