NEW: Slide Film (E6) Processing and Scanning Services
So we gave a few hints on Twitter and privately to some customers by email, but we’re happy to announce that we finally offer SLIDE FILM ( E6 ) processing and scanning. You guys can finally shoot your Velvia 50, Provia 400X and Astia or even that Agfa CT Precisa you were saving ‘cause you didn’t feel like cross-processing it. We’re charging the same as we do for Black & White processing and as with BW you just need to add 2 business days to the regular C41 delivery time. We had the privilege of having client/friend Jan Scholz “micmojo” beta-test this process for us. He was super excited to finally be able to shoot those wonderful slide stocks and took some Fuji Velvia 50 with him in his recent vacations in Florida.
We loved the results and felt like it could be a great way to introduce this new “product” to Carmencita customers. Being so used to C41 film it’s refreshing to see a positive, with it’s “correct” white balance and contrast/saturation rendition depending on the film stock. Guys, be prepared to spot meter like freaking masters! As you probably already know slide film is NOT as forgiving as color (C41 ) film (hello Portra 400 5 overexposure – 2 underexposure? ). It’s latitude is quite reduced, like 1 over – 1 under, almost remix¡nascent of some digital cameras. Be prepared to use the “Sunny-16 Rule”, spot meter and having to choose between blown skies or correctly lit subjects. But hey, they don’t call it hard work for nothin’! 😛 WELCOME OUR SLIDE FILM PROCESSING AND SCANNING SERVICES!
Good news! I was keeping a 35mm Velvia 50 by my side for this day 🙂
Awesome! Just remember to spot meter for whatever you want to be correctly exposed and shoot at BOX SPEED 😉
Love it! Now where can I buy slide film? 😉
Many online sellers have availability! Careful with skintones! Theoretically only Fuji Astia 100 was ever created with skin tones in mind ^_^
Thanks for the feedback! Would love to try some of those, just for vacation purposes. Any infrared (Aerochrome like) still available?
That’s an AWESOME film, but the few you can find I believe are super expensive.
I shot many Velvia 50 and i can say its a perfect film for landscape, street photography, anything you want except for portraits, skin tones turn red. And yes, Fuji Astia 100f is the less contrasted E6 film, made for natural skin tones.
My film is already exposed but rated at box speed and i remember to have spot metered many frames 🙂
Astia you say? 😉 And wouldn’t I just happen to have bought a truckload of this beauty, slightly out of date obviously, for 1/4 of the original price? Now I can shoot it! Yay!
That is super exciting!!!
Plus those images are great!
Good news guys. Hopefully you will develop and scan 4×5 inch films.
Please, please, please…
Best Thomas
Finally!!! Now I can send you my Kodak EIR Aerochrome!!!!
Fantastic news!
You are awesome… honestly, I was just thinking about what to do with those rolls of slide film in my refrigerator. Now I have a good reason to shoot slide for a while again. Maybe you can help all the aspiring slide film shooters with a little article about how to properly spot meter and expose slide… Just a thought.