[NEW] Direct 20×30 CONTACT SHEETS are here!

New 20×30 Contact Sheets – Carlos Roca

It’s been 2 years since we first introduced our 10×25 and 20×30 contact sheets, it was by popular demand to both organize your negatives and to see & select the images you were more interested in. As photographers, most of us grew up either in class or online seeing some of the first contact sheets by the big photographers, specially when learning from those at Magnum and the book that is pretty much a must have Magnum Contact Sheets.

For those like us who breath film photography and appreciate the heritage, real contact sheets are hotter than a summicron. Being able to truly see your negative in positive, all at once, with every mistake and every triumph in one sheet of paper is often something hard to describe. Back in the day printing was really costly so this was a practical way to “preview” your film and later chose what to enlarge, that is obviously not the case nowadays but still, there is something so beautiful in it that really adds another something to the whole experience of shooting analog photography.


New 20×30 Contact Sheets – Sergio Galarza


We’ve been trying to wrap our heads up on how could we make it happen, believe us that we’ve tried many things and non really worked up until one crazy idea did. Some testing later and we are able to deliver! Start November 1st, 2019* all 20×30 contact sheets will be made as if they were direct positive of the negative. We believe that’s the closest thing to the real thing we can offer and many will be thrilled to finally be able to order them at a decent price.


New 20×30 Contact Sheets – Carlos Roca


For those who like us that enjoy to get nerdy with these things, we will clarify: these are not direct negative to paper and printed with RA4 process. Sorry if we bring the hype down a liiiiittle with it but that would just no be commercially viable. We were on the verge of offering it or discarting it but we believe the world will be a better place with real contact sheets, and even thought if it take extra time on our end, we want to make it happen. Because it freaking cool to be honest =)

The contact sheets are not aimed to be perfect, although you can render a good amount of quality from them it would take much longer than the regular process. You might see some dust and small vertical lines that belong to the sleeve in which the film is in, those are small imperfections that come with it and we can’t really help to aviod. That being said, if you require the digital version of the contact sheet we can also provide it to you and if for an exhibiton of bigger prints you would like to print your contact sheets bigger and in better quality, YES, we can do that but it is under a non-standard fee. Feel free to drop us a line at carmencita@carmencitafilmlab.com for more infomartion!

Believe us when we mention that we are very excited to finally be able to pull this one out and be able to bring small new things to the lab every year. Do we miss something still? Please let us know! Our inbox is open 24/7!


*If you’d like to have the old 20×30 with a white background just let us know and we can do it of course! But it will be under request and not by default


New 20x30 Contact Sheets - Leo Amaya

New 20×30 Contact Sheets – Leo Amaya

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