[NEW] BLACK EDGE in all 120 film formats is here!

by Andrea Rivera
Didn’t you know? Black Edge is the new Black!
Ok ok… jokes aside, it is mainly a pure aesthetic option, our scanners are already adjusted to crop as little of the frame as possible, but as a commercial scanner, it was never designed to show the full edge of the frame, since all scans were meant to be printed and people didn’t fancy for some irregular black edges to appear on the prints back in the day.
Well, to be honest, it can be useful for those with 645 cameras that print information on the negative about exposure. Cameras like the Mamiya 645 AFD, Contax 645 & Pentax 645N print that information on the negative that is usually cropped from the final image, cause it is useful for the photographer but not really relevant for the subject or client of the images.
Different formats, Different Edges
As you may have guessed already, each format has a different mask to be scanned in our scanners, that means it has it own ratio and every camera prints a different image on the film. We will review the main film formats for you to have an idea of what to expect from each. Ready? Let’s go:
On 645
On 6×6
This is a bit less popular than the 645 format but still we found that the major difference come with the Hasselblad frames and their characteristic 2 dents on the left side of the image (as you can see on the cover of this article). The Hasselblad frames said to be 55×55 instead of 60×60 and even in standard masks we can see some edges some times. We do not know for sure what was the reason Hasselblad made their cameras this way, perhaps because they were aimed at professional photographers(?) therefore they wanted to see the absolute 100% of the frame.
On 6×7
The beast & the beauty at the same time, the kings (or queens) of the hill in this format are the Pentax 67 & the Mamiya RZ67, they bare little differences between their frames so not worry too much about it, usually they are the ones that offer a more regular frame.
If you have a Makina 67 or a GF670 please send some rolls over so we can see the actual frame they produce, it woul be a fun comparison! You will notice the size of the black edge is smaller than other formats and this is only because well, the actual frame is bigger so in comparison makes the edges smaller.
Shut up & take my money!
In love with it? We too! The black edge is not for everyone but for those who like their images with a complementary style that adds visual movement to the image itself it’s perfect. The best of all? Yes, it’s completely free, so you can your save some coins on that and perhaps invest them in purchasing a Back Up Service for your scans or adding Proof Prints to your rolls.
We keep working to improve the services we can offer, with need addons and options that will enable film shooters go further and make the most of the craft we love!
Happy shooting!