Martin Condomines: 5 Months Away
Today we’re really glad to feature client Martin Condomines ‘s 5 month travel through Australia adn Bali.
When his rolls arrived at the lab the Order Form said “first time shooting film… hope something works out”.
Just after scanning the first couple of frames we knew this was special. Besides the obvious beauty of the stuff he photographed along his road trip his compositions really stood out. Perfect framing and spot on exposure and never more than one shot for a given moment/subject.
Read on and check kurt what a this French photographer who works mainly during the Summer wedding season did to have a second chance to get summer in the Southern hemisphere.
Oh, and for the curious, this was all shot with a Canon EOS 3 using Kodak Portra 160 and 400 films.
Love this :)! Some guys are just too good.