Jonathan Canlas Part 2: Personal work in Berlin and Madrid

So as promised here is the second part of our Jonathan Canlas post.

This time we wanted to feature something that Jon himself can’t stress enough for its importance: personal work.

Both in Berlin and Madrid he deeply emphasized the importance of shooting for yourself. It could be anything. It could be a long term project which has a clear direction or it could be just discovering a vacation spot you’re in through your lens or just finding out what it is you wanna shoot besides payed client work. The added benefits of this are invaluable. You can try to experiment with technical stuff you don’t wanna try out during a payed job, maybe a new camera, or just “exercise” your composition skills or perhaps the subject matter is of utmost interest to you, i.e. your loved ones!

So yeah, staying true to what he teaches Jonathan shot a bunch of personal work both in Berlin and Madrid which he then handed to us to develop and scan (read more about that on Part 1 post ).

Of course we’re pretty emotionally involved with these shots, taking into account that we were right next to him most of the time while he shot these and that we’re on many of the photos ^_^

Hope you enjoy these and again: “Jon, thank you SO much for everything”


PS: for the camera geeks out there the color shots were shot on a Pentax 645nii with a 105mm f2,4 Pentax 67 lens and Kodak Portra 160VC pushed one stop. The black and white was all shot on Fuji ACROS film on a Rolleiflex 2,8 F (sometimes using a Rolleinar close up filter for portraits). Needless to say developed and scanned by yours truly Carmencita Film Lab 😉



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