Entries by carmencita

Airport X-Rays: Will They Ruin Your Film?

As the world moves towards more advanced technologies, airports in Europe and USA have begun using new X-Ray scanners called CT scanners in their security checks. While these scanners may seem like a step towards improved safety, they could have a very damaging effect on your film. This blog post will discuss the differences between…

10 Questions with Sylvain Bouzat

  Back in 2019, we tried to gasp a bit of what Sylvain Bouzat saw and felt during his trip around Himalayas, the people he met and the conversations had with them. Four years later, he has taken his medium format camera to Pakistan and we had the privilege of processing these incredible portraits & travel…


  It’s finally time to open pandora’s box. TIFF vs. JPG, how do they really work? Is one better than the other just because? TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) and JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) are two great image formats that are widely used to store digital images. It can be tricky to tell the…

How does Kodak make film? Smarter Every Day!

  Ever wonder how film is actually manufactured? It’s no secret that analog photography is getting more and more popular, so we can’t help but ask: what does this all mean for the film supply? Fortunately, Smarter Every Day has given us an inside look at the Kodak plant in Rochester, New York, where we…