
We believe in quality when it comes
to processing
Color Films are all processed with Fujifilm chemistry. We work with a Noritsu developer that is solid, reliable and flawless.
Since our goal is to deliver the best quality to our clients we perform weekly control checks on our machines and chemicals in order to make sure we get the best out of your rolls. More than 100,000 rolls have already been inmersed in our chemistry and came out beautifully developed.
Handmade developing with a Zen Touch
All black and white developing is done by our skilled lab team. Ilford DDX is our main player when it comes to black & white. We ran extensive tests and finally found that it was the best when working at 24ºC in our Jobos. It is the best choice for delivering fine results for wide tonal ranges and the most suitable for a scanning process.
Nevertheless, we also have Rodinal, Tetenal, HC110 for those special cases, strange pushes and peculiar films that are not the best developed with the DDX but instead with some of the other developers.
We never use the same chemistry twice, so we guarantee your film will swim in fresh chemistry every single time. You’ll be able to check this when you look at the bar codes and see them crisp and clear on the edge of your negatives.

Because slide film is still standing
It is perhaps the less popular of the film family members but we still need to offer the option of processing it, due the amazing results it can produce and also, to give a response to those who miss the good old Kodakchrome days.
In order to ensure quality in the developing we partnered up with a lab that deals with all slide film developing done in Spain. That way we can guarantee you the freshest E-6 chemistry possible.