Bem-vindos a
Carmencita Lisboa
Hey film photographers in Lisbon!
Since the beginning of 2020 we are in Lisboa city, at the heart of LX Factory with a new lab aiming to give you better access to all our services.
Whether you’re a pro or just love shooting film as a hobby, we’ve got you covered. Our team of experienced technicians can develop, print, scan, and more to help bring your film photos to life.
Plus, we’re all about preserving memories, so you can trust us to take good care of your precious film. Swing by our new store and say hi – we can’t wait to meet you!
Edificio I, R. Rodrigues de Faria 103 Piso 1, Loja 1.22
1300-472 Lisboa
+351 215 803 934
Instagram Whatsapp

· C41 & B&W ·
• C41 & B&W locally
• E-6 & ECN-2 done remotely
• Frontier SP-3000 & HS-1800 at choice

· 35mm & 120 ·
• Kodak, Fujifilm, Ilford, Lomography, Bergger, Silbersalz, Cinestill, Polaroid
• On demand supply for large orders

· Proof Prints ·
• Up to 20 x 30 prints
• Premium Inkjet Quality
• Fine Art prints available remotely

1) What are some of your favorite things?
Beaches, music, dogs and daughter. Leaving parties when I’m still having fun
2) Why do you shoot film?
The visceral feeling and making each shot count
3) Favorite camera and film combo?
Nikon F90 & Kodak Pro Image 100
4) Favorite movie?
All of Tarantinos, most of Tim Burtons

1) What are some of your favorite things?
Art, nature, meditation, fitness...
2) Why do you shoot film?
The process and unique results
3) Favorite camera and film combo?
Pentax 6x7 + Fuji 400H
4) Favorite movie?
Pulp Fiction

1) What are some of your favorite things?
Art, travelling, cats and pizza
2) Why do you shoot film?
The manual process and the endless possibilities for being creative
3) Favorite camera and film combo?
Mamyia RB67 & Portra 400
4) Favorite movie?
The Lord of the Rings trilogy

1) What are some of your favorite things?
Photography, motorcycles & music
2) Why do you shoot film?
Film is my life since 1992, it was my first love and still is! The naturalness of colors, the demand and the search for perfection
3) Favorite camera and film combo?
Canon EOS3 & Fuji Reala 100, the best film ever made. Present films: Ektar 100 & Ultramax 400
4) Favorite movie?
ET - The Extraterrestrial. First film I saw in the cinema

1) What are some of your favorite things?
Zombies, skate, and Ramen. (by this order for sure)
2) Why do you shoot film?
Because everybody does it, right?
Jk, because I’m a nerd…
3) Favorite camera and film combo?
Contax 167mt and some rich film (Portra)
4) Favorite movie?
Fight Club and Titanic

1) What are some of your favorite things?
Doggos, cheese and music
2) Why do you shoot film?
Because like the prophet of the street once said " You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime"
3) Favorite camera and film combo?
Ricoh FF-9 Lomo 4004
4) Favorite movie?
“Nostalghia” and “La Haine”
Send Your Film!

Sending your film? It’s easy! Just follow our simple guide on how to pack your film, found here:
This guide will show you everything you need to know to properly package and send us your film. It’s important to pack your film carefully to ensure it arrives at our lab in good condition. Once you’ve followed the guide and your film is ready to go, just send it off to us and we’ll take care of the rest. We can’t wait to see what amazing shots you’ve captured and bring them to life with our high-quality film processing services.
Remember, our address in Portugal is:
Carmencita Film Lab Lisboa
Edificio I, R. Rodrigues de Faria 103 Piso 1, Loja 1.22
1300-472 Lisboa
Student Discount
As a student, you are eligible for a special discount on all of our film developing & scanning services!
Simply show your student ID when you drop off your films for processing, and we will apply the discount to your order. We look forward to helping you develop your film and bring your creative visions to life. We’ve all been students and we are committed to help you shooting!
Color C41 – 20% off
Black & White – 10% off

Taking Carmencita a little bit closer to you