Images: NASA Earth Observatory

Valencia has faced the most catastrophic floods in its history, and the scale of the devastation has been much worse than any of us could have imagined. As each day passes, the reality sinks in further, and it’s heartbreaking. 

At the lab we’re fortunate to have been spared the direct impact, but just imagining what it would mean for us to face the same fate as many other local businesses—well, it would mean the end of the lab as we know it.

We simply cannot stand by, watching the devastation unfold just 6 kilometers away on the southern side of the Turia River. Nearly everyone knows someone from one of the flooded villages, and it feels incredibly close, so close that it hurts. 

*Due to the urgency of the situation, we closed donations on Nov. 15th so that they could reach those in need as soon as possible.

We received 418 donations in 10 days and couln’t be more grateful to our community. A huge thanks from all the Carmencita Team ❤️‍



During these past days, once communication was re-established with our friends and family, we began to understand just how far-reaching the damage truly was. Even now, it’s difficult to fully comprehend the enormity of what has happened.

Sometimes, the weather can be ruthless, especially in this era of climate change. Yet what shocks us even more is the inefficiency of the authorities in providing help to those who need it most. In response, tens of thousands of volunteers—unofficial, everyday heroes—have taken to the streets to help. 

Every member of our team at the lab has done what they can individually, but we feel that we can do more, together, as a collective.

Image: Germán Caballero


Thankfully, everyone from the team is alive and well, but many of their relatives and loved ones have been directly hit. Larger NGOs play their part, but in this case, inspired by your direct messages, we want to build bridges between your will to help our team members and what we can do.

We want to raise funds and split them equally between all the families of our team members who have been affected, to help them overcome a nightmare that has just begun. Many lost everything, from memories to cars. Of course, there are insurances, but we know how those fly… we can do little on the emotional part, but perhaps we can help somehow on the economic part.


More often than not converting your will to help into actual aid is really complicated. Many locals took whatever they had and went to help those who were affected because there is still too many things to do.

The hard truth is that what is really needed is professional aid with heavy machinery to start seeing the light, and in that we can do very little. Nevertheless we believe we can help those we know directly in the aftermath of all this. Still it’s a grain of sand but we believe, at a human level it can make a difference.


We offered ‘Valencia Aid Vouchers’ that buy you a Dev & Scan (L size) for any roll for 20€ each. 

All the funds gathered from these sales will be directly donated & split between all our team members’ families that have been hit by the floods. We also believe in common help and, in this case, the Spanish Red Cross will be treated as another family.

You can buy 1, you can buy 20. You can use them whenever you have some rolls to develop, you can gift them to film photography friends or you can just never cash them and just sent the help.

For each voucher purchased, Carmencita will also donate 20€, doubling your donation.

Again, you can buy 1, you can buy 20.

They are valid for a lifetime.


We’re humbled by the outpouring of support that Valencia has already received, and we hope you’ll join us in this collective effort to aid those affected by these terrible floods. Let’s show what our community can do when we come together, and help our neighbors get back on their feet.

Together, we can bring hope and relief to those who need it most.

❤️‍ Thank you for all the words of support, concern and help. Even if we can’t reply ASAP, we treasure each one of them. This is the best solution we could find against the clock to help those we have the closest overcoming this disaster.

✉️ If you wish to help in any other way or have any questions, please contact us through valencia.aid@carmencitafilmlab.com

Head of the lab since 2013 and currently managing the team, developing new projects and trying to bond the international film photography community. These are only my personal thoughts; you may or may not find them relevant, I believe there is nothing healthier than a good debate!

– Albert Roig, Manager at the Lab