Toni Raper – The Poetics of Ordinary Life

OK, this blog post is special, and not just because Toni Raper has been our first Australian customer (which blew our mind!). The beauty of what see does touched us deeply at the lab. The following photographs are part of her ongoing “journey” of personal work, an attempt at “finding the poetic in ordinary life”.

Toni Raper takes us through what a Christmas family gathering looks like in Australia and a weekend camping by the sea with her kids and her boyfriend to celebrate Australia Day. The beauty see finds in everyday moments of kids’ lives is breathtaking, and we can’t help but think how lucky these kids are, and how in 10 or 20 years time they will look at these photographs and be amazed. In fact this is not just a coincidence, since in Toni’s own words “It’s important to me to have people look back in years to come and feel a sense of who they were at a time and place in their lives. Film is my medium of choice because it allows the soul of the moment to dominate.”

So yeah, we’ll let the pictures speak for themselves… Just a HUGE thank you to Toni for sending out her precious film all the way from Australia to Spain and letting us be a part of her family’s memories. Enjoy.

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3 replies
  1. toni raper
    toni raper says:

    Sending my film to your lab was the single most best decision of 2014 so far! Forever grateful for the things you see in my photography, it has been a big thrill to be included in a feature! Gracias 🙂

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