The Analog Docs WORKSHOP

You know we can’t stand still at Carmencita… We’re constantly coming up with new ideas, new projects … it’s a freaking whirlpool of ideas in here! As some of you might know this time we’ve been wanting to take part in more and more educational stuff ( Corera was fun btw!). SO… We’re really happy to announce that our Lab Manager Albert will be traveling to Vienna for The Analog Docs’ workshop. He’ll be offering the lab’s view of the whole process of shooting film. What it is we actually do with your film and how to get the best out of your film AND out of your lab (i.e: us!).

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The workshop will take place in the beautiful city of Vienna on May 1st and 2nd and there’s very limited space. The workshop will be taught in German and will cover anything yoou might think of. This guys have thought it out really well, and the go from “Why shoot film in the digital era” to “choosing film stocks”… “35mm VS medium format”…”your buddy the light meter”… “posing tips and tricks” and even a look at their actual cheap cialis online workflow, “from shooting to print”. There’s a 20% discount for people that register for the workshop before March 24th so if you speak German, love shooting film and wanna learn from the best go sign up! You can read all about the workshop and sign up for it here: See you in Vienna!


Albert and The Analog Docs. Photo by Jonathan Canlas

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