
Katja Scherle

We really felt like featuring client Katja Scherle today. We’ve been working with her for quite some time and we’ve seen her shape her style and improve a whole lot.

She’s never been shy about getting the look she wanted out of her film. She’s asked us all kind of questions and really worked with us to get a personal look.

We thought this particular session was specially worth showing since she shot another incredibly talented client of ours, Jeanie Micheel.

In Katja’s own words:

Funny how life is sometimes. Two years ago I discovered Jeanie Micheel’s Facebook page and admired her beautiful images. Now I’m sharing beautiful images of her I shot myself. How did this happen? About six months ago we got to chatting about film on the internet. Four months ago we met for a mentoring session that still resonates with me. And before that Jeanie had asked me to take her picture. She wanted to do a session that represented her love for nature, her independent spirit, her boho chic style – and of course her love for film. And somehow I came into the equation. I was honoured but of course there was some pressure. Pressure only by myself on myself – Jeanie herself was incredibly relaxed and trusting. So her, our awesome make up Artist Angélique, my Contax and I met. And it was a beautiful afternoon we all enjoyed very much (yes, the Contax too, I asked her). 


So yeah, for the geek out there Katja shot the Contax 645 and Fuji 400H (overexposed 2 to 3 stops) for color and Kodak Tmax 100 for black and white.


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Pia Clodi – Dreaming of a Summer Wedding

Now that the wedding season has only just started it felt like the right moment to feature an incredible work by client Pia Clodi we had the pleasure of developing and scanning a while ago. Of course we would have loved to show it to you guys before, but as it happens with many stuff that comes through the lab there are always deadlines and privacy policies and/or exclusive content that can’t be released until the client is cool with it. In this case this gorgeous stuff got published in the Hochzeitswahn book! (you can buy it here). We love how Pia captured the beauty of the Austrian summer landscapes combined with gorgeous traditional Tracht costumes and most importantly; real emotions from real people. It was really interesting finding out that one of the keys to this awesome staged shoot not looking artificial was the fact that the actual cast were all friends and family of Pia.

That makes so much sense and really gives that happy celebration vibe to it! Hope you guys enjoy it as much as we do! PS: the whole shoot was done on Contax 645 and Fuji 400H 😉 PiaClodi1 Piaclodi3 Piaclodi4 Piaclodi5 piaclodi6 piaclodi7 PiaCLodi8 PiaClodi9 piaclodi10 PiaCLodi11 PiaCLodi12 piaclodi13 piaclodi14 piaclodi15 PiaCLodi16 PiaClodi17 PiaCLodi20 PiaClodi18 PiCLodi21

CREDITS: Blog & Shop: Hochzeitswahn Wedding Planner: Prime Moments Catering & Location: Landart Invitations & Stationery: Herz & Co Flowers: Kunstgärtnerei Doll Hair & Make-Up: Coiffeur Sturmayr Trachten Wedding Dress: Tostmann Trachten Videography: Visual Elegance – Hochzeitsvideos Videography: Santiago di Boceta

Toni Raper – The Poetics of Ordinary Life

OK, this blog post is special, and not just because Toni Raper has been our first Australian customer (which blew our mind!). The beauty of what see does touched us deeply at the lab. The following photographs are part of her ongoing “journey” of personal work, an attempt at “finding the poetic in ordinary life”.

Toni Raper takes us through what a Christmas family gathering looks like in Australia and a weekend camping by the sea with her kids and her boyfriend to celebrate Australia Day. The beauty see finds in everyday moments of kids’ lives is breathtaking, and we can’t help but think how lucky these kids are, and how in 10 or 20 years time they will look at these photographs and be amazed. In fact this is not just a coincidence, since in Toni’s own words “It’s important to me to have people look back in years to come and feel a sense of who they were at a time and place in their lives. Film is my medium of choice because it allows the soul of the moment to dominate.”

So yeah, we’ll let the pictures speak for themselves… Just a HUGE thank you to Toni for sending out her precious film all the way from Australia to Spain and letting us be a part of her family’s memories. Enjoy.

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Branco Prata

We’ve been been working with Branco Prata almost since the beginning of the lab. If you don’t know them already they are the most in demand fine art wedding photographers in Portugal. It’s been a while now since we wanted to put toghether a feature for them, but the timing was never quite right, until today! The other day André posted this gorgeous Portuguese wedding on the Branco Prata Blog and we re-discovered it and totally agreed we had to show it to you guys. What can we say? Total command of hard light situations (yay for film’s huge latitude!) … gorgeous settings … tasteful framing and posing… André sure rocks the Contax 645 Fuji 400H combo! So yeah, really proud to count Branco Prata among our friend/clients. Thanks for trusting in Carmencita André! PS: happy Valentine´s Day to y’all! 😉

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