Branco Prata
We’ve been been working with Branco Prata almost since the beginning of the lab. If you don’t know them already they are the most in demand fine art wedding photographers in Portugal. It’s been a while now since we wanted to put toghether a feature for them, but the timing was never quite right, until today! The other day André posted this gorgeous Portuguese wedding on the Branco Prata Blog and we re-discovered it and totally agreed we had to show it to you guys. What can we say? Total command of hard light situations (yay for film’s huge latitude!) … gorgeous settings … tasteful framing and posing… André sure rocks the Contax 645 Fuji 400H combo! So yeah, really proud to count Branco Prata among our friend/clients. Thanks for trusting in Carmencita André! PS: happy Valentine´s Day to y’all! 😉