New Order Form With Scanning Preferences

Alright, you asked for it, we listened carefully and here you’ve got it!

For all those customers who have a specific look in mind for their scans we created a new Order Form where you can select color, brightness and contrast preferences.


Photography (and particularly color) can be really subjective. We always scan neutral unless you guys give us other specific indications on the COMMENTS area on the Order Form.


This has worked totally fine to this day and we’ve always been super open about you asking for “customized” scans and never charging extra for them. But still, we wanted to take an extra step by making the process as easy as possible. That way even if you don’t have enough time to write a full comment on how you want your scans or you get wrapped up in the inevitable difficulty of verbalizing visual stuff you can still take 10 seconds to tick boxes for COLOR , BRIGHTNESS and CONTRAST.


Needless to say these are your preferences, but the film stock used, the way it was been exposed and the quality of the light will condition immensely how closely we can match your expectations. E.g. Let’s just say we won’t be able to turn a Fuji Superia 200 shot on a cloudy day with evaluative metering (and thus underexposed 1-2 stops) into a grainless, airy, pastel, low contrasty warm-toned piece of photographic candy.


SO, that being said. From now on you’ll be able to choose your preferences for:


COLOR We all have different color tastes; help us understand yours in order to get you your dream tones!

CONTRAST Contrast is key to the final look of your images. Ask for as much (or as few) as you want!

BRIGHTNESS Do you like dark moody stuff or super airy pastel work? Let us know!

THAT’S IT! AS EASY AS THAT! We’ll take it from there and follow your guidelines as closely as humanly possible throughout the scanning and editing process.

Next thing you know: BAAAM! Scans in your inbox just the way you wanted them.


Hope you enjoy the new Order Form and now get out there and shoot some film!



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