Carmencita Tote Bag Promo

Hi there everyone!
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It’s a “funny” Friday for us at the lab since yesterday it was a National Holiday here and specifically in Valencia we pretty much burned down the whole city ( like literally … watch this or google “fallas” and you’ll freak out).
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Today we’re launching a promo that we hope you love:
We’re giving away amazing Carmencita tote bags to any shop orders of 10 or more rolls of film.
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This is a beautiful 41cm long x 38cm wide cotton tote bag that is basically the coolest thing around town and of course it’s way more eco-friendly than using a thousand plastic bags every time you need to grab something at the grocery store.
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The promo starts today and is good until we run out of them so go for it!
Besides, who doesn’t need 10 more rolls of film at reduced costs?
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Go ahead an grab some Portra, Fuji 400H, Acros or even FP4 at
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PS: mad props to client/friend Marcos Pérez for being our model for a while!
For the geeks out there the shots are taken on Fuji 400H overexposed 2 stops using a Contax 645 by our very own Buenaventura Marco
PS2: no, we don’t sell the tote bags, you GOTTA BUY SOME FREAKIN’ FILM in order to apply 😛

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