Best of
September is a time of transition, where the golden light of late summer meets the crispness of fall, and your photos reflect that shift in breathtaking ways. This month, we’ve seen stunning portraits that tell stories through both vibrant colors and timeless black-and-white. We’re seeing the last swims of the season, before the air turns cool, and a subtle nod to the Harman Phoenix—did you know we crafted the launch video for their medium format version?
And if you look closely, there’s a handprint hidden in one of these frames—can you spot it? If you’re inspired to add that personal, tactile touch to your work, check out our handprinting services. If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask!
Join us in celebrating the Best of September, a collection full of depth, texture, and the changing spirit of the season!

Canon EOS 1V + Kodak Portra 400
Photo by Gemma Totten

Rolleiflex + Kodak Portra 160
photo by Nicolas Schindler

Pentax 67 II + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Mélanie Mauro

Leica M6 + Ferrania P30
photo by Anders Haavie

Hasselblad 500c + Kodak Ektar 100
photo by Jimmi Kikkenborg

Hasselblad 503CX + Kodak Gold 200
photo by Edu Pereiro

Mamiya M645 + Ilford HP5+
photo by Tommi Martikainen

Nikon FM2 + Kodak Portra 400
Photo by Salomé Dechaud

Yashicamat 124g + Kodak Portra 400
Photo by Alexander Ashman

Minolta SRT 100b + Kodak Portra 400
Photo by Gerard Roca Fernández

Contax 645 + Kodak 400 Tri-X
photo by Mike Murtaugh

Mamiya 645 AFDII + Kodak Portra 160
photo by Edward L. Bouldin

Pentax 67 + Kodak 400 T-Max
photo by Alberto Arroyo

Canon EOS3 + Harman Phoenix 200
photo by Alicia Sánchez Cabanes

Contax T2 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Marc González Chavarri

Canon EOS 620 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Martí Medina García Moreno

Hasselblad 500CM + Ilford Ortho 80
photo by Magnus Andersson

Nikon FM2 + Kodak Portra 800
photo by Yasmin Hofstetter

Contax T3 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Seb Porter

Leica M6 + Kodak Vision 3250D
photo by Mijo Simunovic

CanonAE1 Program–CarmencitaFilmLab- + Ilforp HP5+
photo by Juan Carlos Arenas

Mamiya RB + Kodak Portra 800
photo by Iago Barreiro

Mamiya 7 + Cinestill 800
photo by Felix Botella

Hasselblad 500CM + Kodak 400 Tri-X
photo by Wesley Verhoeve

Canon F1 + Kodak Portra 800
photo by Shamma Khoory

Pentax 67II + Kodak Portra 160
photo by Vincent Bousserez

Contax T2 + Kodak Portra 160
photo by Eduardo Miera Mas

Nikon RF2 + Ilford HP5+
photo by Blanca Medrano

Phasone 645 AFD + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Aarón López

Canon EOS3 + Kodak Portra 160
photo by Agathe Karsenti

Mamiya RZ67 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Héctor Fraile

Olympus MJUIII + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Wild Feathers Creative

Canon Elan 7 + Kodak Portra 160
photo by Adewale Agunbiade

Canon P + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Bogdan Rets

Zenza Bronica SQ + Fuji Acros 100
photo by Roman Kalygin

Hasselblad 500c + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Kenneth Chua

Canon A1 + Ilford HP5+
photo by Maria Joao Dias

Nikon F5 + Kodak Portra 800
photo by Eduarda GOA

Nikon F3 + Fuji 200
photo by Leon Czajkowski