Best of
June is probably the “first” month of summer in Europe. Days are filled with light, and even those in the northern hemisphere can enjoy the nightless nights!
Light & warmth has brought an astonishing colour palette of visual narratives to our lab. We’re once again overjoyed and deeply moved as we compile our Best of June 2023; even after so many years, it never gets easier!
We have many projects going on that we can’t wait to unveil very soon, but among them, there is a very, very, very special one that many of you might already know about… after so long, we are bringing the Best Of The Year to print!
The result is beyond what we could imagine, and we are confident this will be the first of many! It’s a dream come true to have the work of so many film photographers, on paper, as a testimony for the years to come.
As always, we’re thrilled to share this collection of moments from all over the world condensed together in a tiny little place in Valencia. Somehow, when we look at it, we can’t help but feel that we are looking at something that speaks humanity, at something that tells our story in so many different shapes (and shades!); about who we are and what is important to us.
So important, perhaps, that we decide to take a picture of it. And not just a picture; a film picture.

CanonAE1 + Fomapan 400
photo by Leo Amaya

Leica M6 + Fuji Superia 400
photo by AngeloGonzalez

Leica R62 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by StephanieDavilma

Canon Eos 300 + Fuji C200
photo by Michael Haas

Contax G1 + Kodak Gold 200
photo by Cozy Bratic

Canon AE-1 + Kodak 400 TX
photo by Lala Serrano

Yashica FX3 SUPER2000 + Kodak Gold 200
photo by Eva Min Pérez

Pentax 645 + Kodak Portra 800
photo by MariaRita

Kodak Portra 400
photo by Ed Martin

Contax G1 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Jaime Salom

Canon AE-1 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Charlotte Mack

Mamiya 7II + Kodak Portra 800
photo by Miguel Mira

Canon A-1 + Rollei 80
photo by Maria Teresa Neira

Olympus Trip-35 + Kodak Ultramax 400
photo by Emanuela Porceddu

Olympus mju ii + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Erlendur Sveinsson

Leica Minilux + Kodak Portra 800
photo by Giovanna Pereira

Nikon FM + Iford Hp5
photo by Rikard Ekstrand

Mamiya 645 + Kodak Portra 160
photo by Lorenzo Mason Studio

Olympus mju ii + Kodak Portra 160
photo by Josep López

Pentax 645n + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Maddi Waterhouse

Canon Eos-3 + Ilford HP5+
photo by Mike Palmowski

Mamiya 7 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Matt Jut

Canon 1V + Kodak Portra 800
photo by Cameron Hammond
Client: NEW YORKER | Model: Daphne Groeneveld

Pentax 645n + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Lieselot Mertens

Canon Eos-3 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Emily Yates

Contax G2 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Christophe Boussamba

Contax G2 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Carlene Raschke

Mamiya 645 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Die Hochzeitsfotografen

Pentax 67 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Xavier Mira

Olympus mju ii + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Jairo Díaz

Pentax 67 + Iford HP5+
photo by Sara Santos

Canon A-1 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Maria Joao Dias

Nikon F2A + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Raquel Chicheri

Ricoh RW1 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Gerard Miquel

Minolta Riva Mini + Kodak Gold 200
photo by Henry Balaszeskul

Pentax 67 ii + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Claudio Nunes

Fujifilm Klasse + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Raye Kreidel

Mamiya 7II + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Bryan Kong

Pentax 67ii + Fuji Acros II
photo by Magnus Anderson

Nikon F100 + Kodak Portra 160Yashica T3 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Jim Rosemberg

Nikon F5 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Marina Neal

Mamiya RB67 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Julia Jardim

Pentax 67 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Alexis Martin

Canon A-1 + Kodak Ultramax 400
photo by Ana Gomis

Canon A-1 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Justine Hern

Canon A-1 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Justine Hern

Asahi Pentax Spotmatic + Kodak Color Plus 200
photo by Sofija Leckaite