Best of
July’s selection showed us that while we were eating ice cream at the lab, some of you traveled all the way to Scotland’s highlands, Norwegian fjords, and even dared to slackline over cliffs! We weren’t exactly daring, come to think of it.
Even when getting your hands on color film was the most difficult mission, a full-color palette and broad lighting situations provided us with a month filled with unique portraits and lots of beautiful nature portrayed on film.
We have noticed the growth of the analog community in recent months and are grateful for your involvement in our selections. So, thank you for keeping film alive and sharing it with us! We hope you enjoy the Best of July!

Canon A-1 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Enrique Tarazona

Hasselblad 501C + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Alina Birjuk

Contax G1 + Lomography Color 400
photo by Mara Reina

Mamiya RB67 Pro SD + Kodak Portra 800
photo by James Fredrick

Minolta XG-M + Ilford FP4 + 125
photo by Louis Miralles

Minolta X700 + Kodak Portra 160
photo by Joel Sormunen

Mamiya 7 II + Kodak Ektar 100
photo by Xavier Adam

Mamiya RZ67 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Alicia Pastor

Plaubel Makina + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Jan Scholz

Canon EOS 50E + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Luís Moreira

Rolleicord V + Ilford Delta 400
photo by Hanne Bonte

Contax G2 + Fuji Superia X-TRA 400
photo by Güzin Mut

Contax 645 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Elisabeth van Lent

Nikon RF2 + Kodak Gold 200
photo by Natascha Lüthi

Nikon F3 + Fuji C200
photo by Yannick Pantel

Konica FC-1 + Ilford HP5 +
photo by Sophia Lavater

Mamiya RZ67 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Valentina Verdesca

Contax 645 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Javier Díez

Fuji 400H
photo by Yuri Boyanin

Minolta X300 + Kodak Ektar 100
photo by Elena Baz

Pentax 67 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Antoine Omnès

Hasselblad 501CM + Kodak T-Max 400
photo by Vicente Contreras

Zenza Bronica ETRS + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Panama Diaz

Canon AE-1 + Kodak ColorPlus 200
photo by Rosario Aragón

Nikon FM2 + Ilford HP5 +
photo by Tristan Hollingsworth

Zenit 12XP + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Fran Nicolás