Best of
As the days grow long and the sun sets with a lingering warmth, we find ourselves at the heart of a season where every moment is an invitation to create memories on film.
The warmth of August’s embrace and the play of light on landscapes remind us why we embarked on this analog adventure. Just as the sun dips below the horizon, we usher in a new chapter… This particular August is not just any month for us here at the lab, it’s an extraordinary milestone in our journey.
After years of creating these collections, we are excited to finally announce the very first printed ‘Best Of 2022’. It isn’t just a book; it’s a celebration of the extraordinary in the ordinary, and our way to honor your work. Thank you for being a part of our journey.
Stay tuned and, in the meantime, enjoy the Best of August 2023!

Contax G2 + Kodak Portra 160
photo by Alex Sarda

Canon EOS 1n + SantaColor 100
photo by Jakob Zuyten

Mamiya 7II + Kodak Portra 800
photo by Miguel Mira

Nikon FM 3a + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Andrea Rufener

Contax G1 + Kodak Gold 200
photo by Juliette Breig Kral

Mamiya 645 Pro TL + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Selim Soysal

Mamiya 645 AFD + Kodak Portra 800
photo by Gabriel Nanclares

Pentax 67 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Rita Puig Serra x Albert Coll

Hasselblad 503CX+ CineStill 800T
photo by Josh Wilson

Canon F1 + CineStill 800T
photo by Eduardo Velázquez

Hasselblad 503 CXi + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Eduardo Pereiro

Camera Yashica T3 + Ilford XP2 Super 400
photo by Isaac Gens

Nikon F100 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Olya Kobruseva

Pentax K1000 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Noelia García León

Contax 645 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Lina Kiznyte

Mamiya 7II + Kodak Gold 200
photo by Ángelo González

Olympus MJU:II + Kodak UltraMax 400
photo by Daniel Selas

Canon EOS 3 + Kodak Portra 160
photo by Lulu Friedli

Olympus Stylus + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Sam Dameshek

Nikon F50 + Ilford HP5+
photo by Juho Vieruaho

Nikon F2 + Cinestill 800T
photo by Miguel Tomaz

Hasselblad XPan + Ilford HP5
photo by Magnus Andersson

Contax 645 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Cristian Pena

Olympus OM1 + 1Hundred
photo by Paula Diaz

Contax T3 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Nilo Zimmermann

Contax G2 + Kodak Tri-X
photo by Sebastian Sabal

Pentax 6×7 II + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Tess Leopold

Mamiya RZ67 Pro II + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Guzin Mut

Nikon F100 + Kodak Ultramax 400
photo by Josué Bonilla

Leica M4 + Kodak Gold 200
photo by Christian Schröder

Pentax 67 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Olga Pastor

Nikon F55 + Fuji X-Tra Superia 800
photo by Francesca Cugini

Hasselblad 500cm + CineStill BW Double-X
photo by Wesley Verhoeve

Contax G2 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Andreas Bjorseth

Canon 1V + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Alice Nunes Vicente

Canon A-1 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Marina G. Andreu

Canon EOS 30 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Barbara Brasil

Lomo Lubitel 166B + Ilford HP5 400
photo by Borja Pascual

Nikon F3 + Iron Bridge 400
photo by Sonja Stich

Pentax MX + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Laura Piqué

Minolta SRT 100X + Kodak Ultramax 400
photo by ADzenitro

Nikonos V + Kodak Tri-X 400
photo by Megan Batson

Canon F1
photo by Marc Reixach

Canon A-1 Program + Ilford Delta 100
photo by César Fernández

Nikon F5 + Kodak Portra 160
photo by Paula Ortega

Mamiya 645 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Allison Hammond