Katja Scherle

We really felt like featuring client Katja Scherle today. We’ve been working with her for quite some time and we’ve seen her shape her style and improve a whole lot.

She’s never been shy about getting the look she wanted out of her film. She’s asked us all kind of questions and really worked with us to get a personal look.

We thought this particular session was specially worth showing since she shot another incredibly talented client of ours, Jeanie Micheel.

In Katja’s own words:

Funny how life is sometimes. Two years ago I discovered Jeanie Micheel’s Facebook page and admired her beautiful images. Now I’m sharing beautiful images of her I shot myself. How did this happen? About six months ago we got to chatting about film on the internet. Four months ago we met for a mentoring session that still resonates with me. And before that Jeanie had asked me to take her picture. She wanted to do a session that represented her love for nature, her independent spirit, her boho chic style – and of course her love for film. And somehow I came into the equation. I was honoured but of course there was some pressure. Pressure only by myself on myself – Jeanie herself was incredibly relaxed and trusting. So her, our awesome make up Artist Angélique, my Contax and I met. And it was a beautiful afternoon we all enjoyed very much (yes, the Contax too, I asked her). 


So yeah, for the geek out there Katja shot the Contax 645 and Fuji 400H (overexposed 2 to 3 stops) for color and Kodak Tmax 100 for black and white.


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Martin Condomines: 5 Months Away

Today we’re really glad to feature client Martin Condomines ‘s 5 month travel through Australia adn Bali.

When his rolls arrived at the lab the Order Form said “first time shooting film… hope something works out”.

Just after scanning the first couple of frames we knew this was special. Besides the obvious beauty of the stuff he photographed along his road trip his compositions really stood out. Perfect framing and spot on exposure and never more than one shot for a given moment/subject.
Read on and check kurt what a this French photographer who works mainly during the Summer wedding season did to have a second chance to get summer in the Southern hemisphere.

Oh, and for the curious, this was all shot with a Canon EOS 3 using Kodak Portra 160 and 400 films.



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