Michael Ferire – Contax 645 – Portra 400

Michael Ferire has been sending us film lately from his native Belgium.
This session stood out particulary because of the awesome location, great looking couple and how perfectly exposed the shots are.
Glad to have new awesome clients like you Michael!










Wesley Nulens – Contax 645 – Portra 160 & 400

Wesley Nulens is the perfect example of what a succesful client/lab relationship can grow into. Since the very first rolls he sent us (about six months ago) he let us know exactly what he was looking for. To this point the relationship has evolved to a point where were are so familiar with his shooting style and color/contrast preferences that he no longer gives us gidelines and he literally says 99% of the scans he gets from us are delivered to his clients without any editing at all. This gorgeous maternity shoot is on of the latest order he’s sent us. Wesly is really perfecting his command of Kodak Portra film, and in this session he used both Portra 160 and 400 for the color images. As always a pleasure to work on your stuff Wes! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Wesley Nulens es el ejemplo perfecto de una inmejorable relación cliente/laboratorio. Desde los primeros rollos que nos envió (hace unos 6 meses) nos indicó exactamente qué buscaba en nuestros escaneos. A día de hoy la relación ha evolucionado a tal punto que estamos tan familiarizados con su estilo de exposición y sus preferencias de color/contraste que ya no nos manda indicaciones y dice literalmente que el 99% de los escaneos que le entregamos se los manda a sus clientes sin ningún tipo de edición extra. Esta maravilla de sesión de maternidad es uno de los últimos encargos que nos ha enviado. Wesley está perfeccionando su dominio de las películas Kodak Portra, y durante esta sesión utilizó tanto el Portra 160 como el 400. Como siempre un placer trabajar en tus negativos Wes!

Jan Sholz – Leica/Contax – Portra 160

Jan Scholz (known around the internet as Micmojo) has been a photographic idol for some of us at the lab for a while now. Needless to say it meant a lot to us when he first sent us film back in april, when we’d only been open for three months.

Working for Jan is both a pleasure and a challenge, because we’re not usually so incredibly familiar with our customer’s body of work. As you may know scanning is a highly interpretative “art form”, that’s why we insist in you giving us color/contrast guidelines if you’re looking for a specific look. In this particular project Jan shot beautiful model Louise in color film. Most of Jan’s work is shot in black and white (mostly Tri-X) and developed and scanned by himself.

The challenge with this particular project was transferring that black and white portrait essence that we all love from him into color film. Hope we succeeded Jan 😉

Louise-55 (1) Louise-80 Louise-112

(No) Soy de aquí

At Carmencita we’re super excited about our first client publication being released!
Gustavo Alemán put together this awesome 60 pages photobook entitled “(No) Soy de aquí ” and just released it, so we ran to grap a copy. The printing and design are flawless and most importantly, every picture is shot on film and developed/scanned in the house.
Check it out/buy it here http://gustavoaleman.net/Book-Libro
