Gustavo Alemán – Fuji GW670III – Portra 400


We like what we see from Gustavo Alemán, based in Murcia.We’ve been working together since the very beginning and we hope we’ll keep doing

Check him out at

"Carmencita & We Love Film" brings you 20 days of 20% discount!

We love the work that the guys from We Love Film are doing, that’s why we want to celebrate with them their 3rd anniversary!

Because of that we are gonna be offering 20 days of 20% Discount on our orders starting from 29th June!! How cool is that?

What do you need to do? Such an easy thing, just make sure you follow Carmencita and We love film in fb and write it down in the order form “Happy Birthday We Love Film!” when you send your next order to us, that’s it, as simple as that. (Remeber the promotion is till 20th of July)

Make sure to spread the word to all the film shooters out there and start packing your rolls! 🙂


Maitha and Andreas – Nikon F100 – Pro 400H

Maitha and Andreas were one of our first clients, they trusted us with their film and we loved working with them. delightful and that’s why we think they deserve a spot in our blog. Check the rest at: Matias

Summer Is Coming!

After a long winter we are starting to feel the firsts sights of summer, and we love the

light brings with it.

We are getting ready to start sharing some of our clients wonderful images, stay tunned!

Photo by Miguel Varona