Best of
February is always a particular month, traditionally slow, not a lot of professional work in film. Most people are still trying to figure out what to do in this upcoming year that unveils. Funny enough, February at the lab is often used to plan things, start the training for new interns and focus on self-improvement.
These last two years have been strange as hell. Still, it’s hard to believe that in February 2020, we were celebrating Carmencita Lisboa Opening Party. It was also in February 2021 that we opened the doors of Carmencita Barcelona for the first time. Let’s see if in February 2022 we can top that 🙂
The images that caught our eye the most we can see and understand why we always feel drawn to film, the expressions and the photographer’s interaction with the subject feel so transparent that it’s almost as if we could hear, smell or sense the textures of those images.
From Republica Dominicana to Dubai, we get film from (almost) every corner of the world. This selection of images helps us spread the word of all these photographers who share our same passion, decide there is no better place to develop & scan their film than our lab, and, most importantly, that we can’t take this for granted.
We say this often, but we honestly believe this is the most exciting time for film photography in the XXI century!
I hope you enjoy it!
Mamiya RZ67 Pro II + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Carlos Roca
Canon AE-1 + Fuji Superia 400
photo by May Ho
Leica M2 + Ilford Delta 100
photo by Dafni Planta
Nikon FM2 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Olena Martynenko
Pentax 67 + Kodak 400 T-Max
photo by Leon Krüger
Contax T2 + Kodak Portra 800
photo by Pedro Melo
Hasselblad 500cm + Kodak Portra 400
photo by M’Hammed Kilito
Leica M6 + Kodak 400TX
photo by Eric Lepeingle
Mamiya 7 + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Vincent Prayal
Olympus mju ii + Ilford XP2
photo by Rebeca Menoyo
Nikkormat Ft N + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Javi Postigo
Nikon F50 + Kodak Ultramax 400
photo by Damián Mellado
Contax T2 + Kodak 400 T-max
photo by Nhuri Basir
Nikon F2 + Kodak Portra 160
photo by Yann Bervas
Leica M6 + Kodak 400 TX
photo by Michèle Giebing
Hasselblad H1 + Kodak Portra 800
photo by Iago Barreiro
Nikon FM2 + Ilford HP5+
photo by Jorge Baselga
Contax 645 + Kodak Portra 800
photo by Gracis Impression
Pentax 645n + Kodak Portra 400
photo by Juna Amsler
Nikon FM2 + Kodak 400 T-Max
photo by Rodri Porcelli
Nikon F2 + Ferrania Solaris 100
photo by Manuel Gómez
Nikon FE + Kodak 400TX
photo by Rebeca Martínez